Thursday, August 03, 2006

I could...

Sharon asked me if I'm ever going to blog again. The answer is well, sure. But the fact is I don't have anything interesting to say. Or rather I have topics in my head but they're not very well-formed.

I could write about Rock Star Supernova, which isn't as good Rock Star INXS, but is still enjoyable because every night there is at least one stand out performance. Did you catch Ryan's amazing rendition of Losing My Religion on Tuesday? All of the contestants are amazingly talented, but I don't find it as satisfying as last year's show because I don't enjoy as much of the music they're choosing.

I could write about Big Brother, which has Evil Dr. Will back for the All Star season. He's as funny and as good of a manipulator as he ever was. You would think he'd been evicted by now, but the morons keep letting him screw with their heads. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually won the whole thing.

I could write about the Black Dog playwriting group I am part of. We've had two meetings so far and I've really enjoyed reading the plays and sharing my own work. We have a very good mix of people who have smart insights into writing and drama.

I could write about my girls. Rachel is going to kindergarten in just a few weeks. I can't believe how big she is. Sammi is also getting bigger every day and is so smart and talkative. Rachel mostly learned how to swim last week while we were on vacation. She still needs more practice, but she's reached that comfort stage in the water and can swim a few strokes before her head ducks underwater.

Or I could just wait until I have more to say.


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Name: Matt
Location: Coralville, IA
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