Badass Corvis
The first weekend of Glengarry is over. And it was great. Here's another picture:

I feel so lucky to be on stage with such good actors. Everyone of them was right on target, just perfect in their roles. I got a great response from the crowd. People I didn't know where telling me afterward that I did a fantastic job. That felt good. It's nice to hear it from your friends, but knowing that people who are totally unbiased liked your performance - that means a lot.
One friend said, "When I think of you, I don't think badass. But damn if you didn't pull it off." I was told by a castmate that his friend hated my character. So yeah, I did a good job. And I feel good.
Okay, enough self congratulation.
Played poker (Texas Hold 'Em) last night. I won two of the six games, came out around $30 ahead. So far, I am $50 up since we started played a few weeks ago. I may check out a local tournament and see if I can really win some big money. Doesn't matter though; I just love the game. When I was playing last night, I felt like my grandma was there smiling at me. She was a great poker player. I grew up playing the game. A rite of passage in my family was finally being allowed to sit at the adults' poker table and lose my money.
Swam across the Cedar River on Saturday. That was not smart. I almost didn't make it. I am not the strongest swimmer in the world. Fortunately, I didn't drown. It sure seemed like a good idea at the time. The day of hiking overall was fun.
Sharon and the kids come back to town today. They've been in Minnesota since Thursday. I miss all of them so much. It's been nice to have a weekend to myself, but I want to see my girls and my wife. Rachel was really missing me, Sharon said. She wanted to come home on Saturday so she could see me. But she recovered and had a great time.
I have to mow the damn lawn.
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