Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Ah! An enzyme!

Thanks a lot, Kris and greenman. Turns out I am evil enzyme.

You are an enzyme. You are powerful, dark,
variable, and can change many things at your
whim...even when they're not supposed to be
changed. Bad you. You can be dangerous or
wonderful; it's your choice.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


At 9:53 AM, October 14, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm water.

You are water. You're not really organic; you're neither acidic nor basic, yet you're an acid and a base at the same time. You're strong willed and opinionated, but relaxed and ready to flow. So while you often seem worthless, without you, everything would just not work. People should definitely drink more of you every day.


At 10:51 AM, October 14, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

I agree that I should drink more of you every day.

At 12:52 PM, October 14, 2004, Blogger greenman said...


I'm water too, ya freak!

At 6:18 PM, October 14, 2004, Blogger Shaba said...

Gee. I'm an enzyme, too. What a shock.


At 2:04 PM, October 15, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

Hi Jane! :-)


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