Friday, October 08, 2004

Want some wood?

Okay, first of all let me just say I am getting sick of debates. Thank god there's only one more. I don't even think I'll watch that one.

So this debate was a tossup. If you like Bush, he won. If you like Kerry, he won. This is going to be a really close election and that's scary no matter which side you're on.

Fun moments in the debate:

  • Bush refers to Senator Kerry as Senator Kennedy. For the next five minutes, Sharon and I are wondering why Bush is dragging Ted Kennedy into the debate.

  • Bush cuts off Chares Gibson, the moderator. Just talks over him despite the fact that Gibson was just telling Bush that he could respond. Moron.

  • Kerry forgets what he was saying and stammers for the longest 5 seconds in the entire campaign run. Oops.

  • When asked what his plan was to fix relations with other countries around the world, Bush ignores the question and goes into his rhetoric about having to make tough decisions. Unfortunately, Kerry ignores the question too.

  • Bush says that there are rumors on the "internets" that there's going to be a draft. Would someone point me to this other internet because I've only heard of the one...

  • Bush attempts to crack wise by saying that Kerry's last answer made him want to scowl. The joke couldn't have been any less funny.

  • Bush elicits a snicker from this house when he asks Charles Gibson if he wants some wood.

  • There were probably some other good moments, but that's all I remember. It's past time to sleep. I wish it were November 2nd so we could vote and get this over with.


    At 12:23 PM, October 10, 2004, Blogger Brent said...

    The next presidential campaign opens Nov. 3rd, so there will be no respite. *groans*

    At 2:46 PM, October 10, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

    Ack! What a thought!

    And so true...

    At 9:54 AM, October 12, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

    It's really interesting that you posted that viewpoint - i.e. that Bush isn't great but Kerry is worse. I was wondering if there are people out there who feel that way. It's a common viewpoint on the other side. In fact, I think that Kerry isn't great but Bush is far worse. I disagree that he'll keep us safer. He has a "go it alone" attitude that puts even bigger targets on our backs than are already there. And the fact that he lied to the American people to take us to war with Iraq and consequently failed to capture Bin Laden is something I cannot forget. Thanks for your comment.


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