Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Giving Thanks

This is the first year we will not be celebrating Thanksgiving with either my extended family or Sharon's. Every year we do Thanksgiving with my family and Christmas with Sharon's or vice versa. This year, it's supposed to be Thanksgiving with her family and Christmas with mine. However, things didn't work out on the Thanksgiving front, so while Sharon will be spending Friday with her sister and mom, the four of us were planning on heading to a restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner. I was looking forward to it for the sheer novelty of the experience. However, this morning we received a better offer. Rachel has this friend Kate, who I talked about here. This morning, Kate's mom called and invited us to Thanksgiving dinner. Isn't that the nicest thing? So we'll be heading to their house for Thanksgiving. We'll get to experience their traditions. Rachel will have a friend to play with.

This year, I am giving thanks for very good friends.


At 12:01 PM, November 24, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww. Thats very sweet.
My little sister and her hubbie are going to be stuck in IC this thanksgiving because she's been sick and doesn't want to leave her house. Which I appreciate because I don't want my little one getting sick. So I send my good thanksgiving vibes on east towards your little burg, for my family and for yours!


At 2:26 PM, November 24, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Stef!


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