Monday, November 22, 2004

Only parents...

So my parents are visiting. We were talking about my blog. Dad asked me if I chose that picture you see to the right. I told him, yes, of course. He asked why I chose a picture that makes me look like a Nazi. Apparently the buff on my head conjures up images of the SS for dear old dad. My mother innocently chimes in from the couch, "Did you want a really ugly picture?"

So apparently, in that picture, I look like an ugly Nazi.

I know it's an unconventional picture of me but that's why I chose it. I could have used my headshot:

But that's boring. The picture I used is from one of my Appalachian Trail hikes. I was exhausted physically but my spirit was rockin'. So anyway, I am keeping it. I may change it eventually, but for now I like it.


At 12:08 PM, November 22, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have amazingly cycled my hair around to the point where I actually look like mine again. Those are just such good pictures. Paycjeck is awesome.

but anyway, this is exactly why I use a funny picture of Chewie as my icon. Everyone who is reading this knows what I look like. Or at least can find out easily enough.

At 12:31 PM, November 22, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It took me *several* times of looking at that picture to figure out that it was not an odd angle/weird lighting/creepy forest that made you look like you have green hair, but that instead you have that thing on your head.

At 4:45 PM, November 22, 2004, Blogger Sara said...

I like the original picture. It has more character. A blog and an audition call for completely different photos. You chose correctly.

At 1:32 AM, November 23, 2004, Blogger Shaba said...

Your head shot is a good picture, but I've never thought it looked very much like you.

Still, it's not every day your dad calls you an ugly nazi. Ouch!


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