Monday, November 29, 2004

Quiz it

I took Sara's quiz at Midwestern Position, failed miserably, and decided to make my own. Take my Quiz... and then check out the Scoreboard! Good luck. It's really not that easy, I don't think.
Now everyone make a quiz so I can see if I know all of you as well as I think I do.

EDITED to add comments about the results. Highlight the next section to read it, but only if you've already taken the test!

So apparently my love of Curious George is unknown among my friends. Only Sharon and Jessica got that question right. Yes, I was a big Curious George fan when I was kid. I took him with me to California when I had my ear surgery. Most people thought it was a stuffed lion, which was a great choice as lions are one of my favorite animals. However, I didn't have a stuffed lion as a kid.


At 9:47 AM, November 30, 2004, Blogger Me said...

I tried, but the work filter won't let me in. D*mn bureaucrats. I'll try on the home computer.

At 8:15 PM, December 01, 2004, Blogger Sara said...

Hey! I did pretty well. I was able to answer many from reading your blog, yet I answered many using the skill of empathy. I put myself in your shoes. "If I could love one of these stuffed toys, what would it be?" Ah...of course, the Curious one.


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