Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Get the axe

I feel somewhat ashamed, but I signed up for the Dead Pool. It's the most morbid game imaginable. Basically, you pick 15 celebrities you think will die in 2005. Younger people are worth more, but I couldn't bring myself to pick anyone born before 1967. The whole thing gives me an ookey feeling, but by sending in my registration, I said Kris sent me so maybe she'll win some gift certificates for most referrals or something. If you play, say Kris at randommentality sent you. I'll post my list after the new year. Frankly, I don't think I have a chance of winning and that's okay with me. Who thinks this stuff up?


At 4:12 PM, December 29, 2004, Blogger greenman said...

hey there was a Clint Eastwood movie about the concept with Liam Neeson and a young Jim Carrey, blame the screenwriters.

At 5:17 PM, December 29, 2004, Blogger greenman said...

Matt, keep doing creepy things like this and Sharon won't let you hang out with me or Kris anymore.

At 10:45 AM, December 30, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

It IS creepy and ghoulish. But I don't think morality is the issue! It's just kinda gross.

At 10:55 AM, December 30, 2004, Blogger Dweeze said...

I think that if the tsunami hadn't just happened, I would have no problems with this. As is, though, it seems a little too morbid for me right now.

I'll have my picks in later today.

At 11:58 AM, December 30, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

Tell em Kris sent you, Dweeze!

At 12:55 PM, December 30, 2004, Blogger greenman said...

or me since two other did I'm now in the running, sorry Kris. Go Me!

At 12:56 PM, December 30, 2004, Blogger Dweeze said...

I referred Matt. Sorry Kris!

At 4:21 PM, December 30, 2004, Blogger Aaron said...

Now that I've sent in my picks, I have thought of a few better names that I could have used.


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