Monday, December 06, 2004

Tears for Fears

I read a great line about the difference between writing comedy and drama. Peter Mehlman, writer on Seinfeld wrote in the current issue of Entertainment Weekly:

"And really, writing moments that make viewers cry is so easy. Ninety percent of the world is on the verge of tears at any given moment anyway; how hard is it to push them over?"

I have always felt writing comedy was much harder than drama. The humor in my plays is there because it sneaks in; I am not a funny writer. I've always been impressed by those who can deliver the zowie, like my wife, for instance. However, what really struck me is that "90% of the world is on the verge of tears at any given moment" bit. There's truth in that, I think. I know I feel that way a lot. And I know I'm not depressed or anything like that. But stuff gets to me really easily these days. A sappy commercial, watching love unfold on a TV show, an emotional blog entry by a stranger... I may not be crying buckets, but the tears are there and willing to fall if I give them say so. Most times, I say no. Maybe it's just the winter and the emotional time of year or maybe it's the money issues we're dealing with lately. I don't know. But watch out. Say the wrong (or right) thing and there's a tidal wave waiting to wash ashore.


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