Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Will Kenyon

Thanks to my fellow Iowa bloggers, a few weeks ago I discovered Will Kenyon's blog. Will was born October 26, 2004 at just 24 weeks and consequently his father is the writer of the blog. Will currently weights 1 lb. 10 oz. Tomorrow he has to have surgery to correct something called PDA. I've been following Will's fight to make it out of the hospital and have been amazed not only at the strength of this little person, and the miracles that the doctors can perform these days, but also at the steady voice of his father, John. I don't think I could write so calmly were I in his place. The funny thing is it turns out I know John Kenyon in a peripheral sort of way. He used to write for the Gazette and he's covered my shows in the past. He wrote a review of Barefoot in the Park that was very kind considering the set we had and the fact that aside from John and his guest, there were only two other people in the audience. It was also about 20 below zero and Mother Nature had dumped a half foot of snow on us that night. But John came out despite the weather, stayed despite the lack of audience, and reviewed our show. These days we couldn't get a review from the Gazette if we performed the show in their writer's living room so every review we've received (positive or negative) we appreciate more than I can describe. Bottom line is, reviews aside, in every dealing I've had with him, John has always impressed me as a class act.

So do me a favor today and send some good thoughts or some prayers to little Will.


At 9:25 AM, December 03, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

UPDATE: Will came through his surgery just fine. :-)


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Location: Coralville, IA
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