I see your pathetic piratic attempt at cunning -- your poll claims I already voted. Ha. True ninja do not vote! If they don't like a leader, they remove him!
I wonder if they only allow one vote per IP and a certain office associate of yours has voted for the correct answer already, thereby thwarting your ninja-ness.
Which just goes to show pirates can be sneaky too. Albeit unknowingly.
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Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama
no brainer dude, it's pirates all the way
I voted pirates, but on the plus side, Ninjas get to work in their pajamas. It'd be cool to work in your pajamas.
(Matt S here)
I see your pathetic piratic attempt at cunning -- your poll claims I already voted. Ha. True ninja do not vote! If they don't like a leader, they remove him!
I wonder if they only allow one vote per IP and a certain office associate of yours has voted for the correct answer already, thereby thwarting your ninja-ness.
Which just goes to show pirates can be sneaky too. Albeit unknowingly.
Excellent argument, Danny.
Damn, after reading Danyness' reasoning, I wish I would have voted pirate rather than ninja.
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