Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Attention Iowa Bloggers!

The guys at Tusk and Talon have arranged an Iowa Blogger get together. Come one, come all. Here's the scoop:

Saturday, February 26, 2005.
6:00 P.M.
Des Moines, IA. Wellman's. On Ingersoll.
Iowa Bloggers, Devoted Readers, and Significant Others of Each, Respectively.

Note to self: put T&T on your Iowa blog list!


At 2:02 PM, January 19, 2005, Blogger Dweeze said...

Maybe if there were a liberal, or at least a moderate, Iowa blogger hook up. But I'm going to pass on hanging out with the conservative dudes.

At 2:24 PM, January 19, 2005, Blogger Matt said...

Aw come on. It's not like we're just gonna talk about politics. Remember, republicans are people too.

At 3:10 PM, January 19, 2005, Blogger Matt said...

Actually, it turns out I'm bowling on Sunday. And I believe my wife is walking for MDA in the morning.

At 9:31 AM, January 20, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey we're not that bad. Politics aside we've got a lot in common. We all have jobs, our favorite sports teams, alma maters, etc. I actually enjoy talking to liberals. It gives us a chance to evangelize one another. It's like Mormons knocking on the door of a Hare Krishna family. Both sides can be civil, fun, loving, and in complete and utter disagreement. I suspect the liberals will be outnumbered but that shouldn't disuade you. Being outnumbered is something you've got to be getting used to after 12 years. (I had to take one shot. I just couldn't resist. Forgive me.)

Tusk & Talon

At 1:55 AM, January 25, 2005, Blogger jeff said...

Hmmm And I was all excited at first.

Well, at least it was nice to see there are some Iowa blogs out there.

Jeff Gitchel


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