Sunday, March 27, 2005

Amazing Race spoiler

I am about to talk about a potential spoiler for the Amazing Race. So if you don't want to be spoiled stop reading now.

Okay, last chance.

Now that they've gone, here's the spoiler. It's called the background spoiler. It was originated at Reality TV World's Amazing Race message board. I am not sure who gets credit for coming up with the theory, but a lot of posters discuss it here. The way it works is this. On the Amazing Race website, there are pictures of each of the teams. There are three different backgrounds - some teams have an seaside background, some have a mountain background, and some have a sunset background.

Here are examples:

So far every team that has been eliminated (Ryan and Chuck, Debbie and Bianca, Susan and Patrick) has had the seaside background. Ray and Deana, pictured above, are the only team left with that background. If they are eliminated next, I think we're dealing with a spoiler or one hell of a coincidence.

The mountain teams are:

The sunset teams are:

Either the sunset teams or the mountain teams will be the Final Three. I am betting on Rob/Amber, Lynn/Alex, and Uchenna/Joyce.


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At 1:59 PM, November 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:00 PM, November 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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