Friday, March 25, 2005

My Dad, the devil

I imagine I'll become embarrassing to my girls at some point. Fortunately, I still have a year or three of Daddy-is -the-bestest-guy-in-the-world to cherish. But when my time comes, at least I can point to Mr. Simmons and say, "See, it could be worse."

Of course, he's turning his situation into a new kids show. It's about a boy who wants a normal life has to deal with his crazy rock star father. Here's the inspiration for the show:

Simmons, the cartoon's creator and executive producer, said the idea sprang out of a conversation about career day at his son, Nick's, school.

"So you had people coming in with scissors, you know, 'my mom's a hair stylist,' or a toothbrush, 'my dad's a dentist,' and my son came in with a poster of me spewing blood and spitting fire," Simmons said.

I can see how having a dad who appears to come from the lower reaches of Hell would be either really cool or absolutely mortifying.


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