Dreamwell's new home
Well, the press release went out today so there's no reason to keep it under wraps any longer.... Dreamwell has a new home!

We are currently moving into the Old Capitol Town Center. We're upstairs, just a few doors down from the Gazette, and across the way from Le Nails. There's not too much to see yet as we're in the process of transforming a retail space into a theater, but needless to say, we're all extremely excited. We plan to celebrate our new space by bringing back one of our most successful shows - The Book of Liz by David and Amy Sedaris - for one weekend only. Come join us May 20 or 21! You'll not only see a first rate comedy, but you can also help us celebrate our new home after the show.
I was there today moving props and set pieces into the space with Sharon and the kids. Rachel was busily digging through the prop bin.
"Look Daddy, you can do a show about carrots!" she squealed holding up a bunch of fake carrots. I have no idea what show those were from, but I bet Lu would remember.
Sharon mentioned that our kids are going to grow up in a theater. They'll probably both have complete theater vocabularies by the time they're ten. I'll tell them to grab the hammer that's downstage and they'll know just where to go. In our house, it probably won't be "Don't pick on your sister!" but rather "Don't upstage your sister!"
And they'll probably both end up lawyers or doctors or something silly like that.
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