Monday, April 11, 2005


Sharon suggested a blog topic to me and I think I'll run with it. What special about each of our kids? I'll start with Rachel as she has the more developed personality having had 4 years and 4 months to work on it.

Two things come to mind when I think of Rachel. The first is her desire to perform and create. She loves to create stories and give the characters different voices. Anything can become a part of the story, even a pair of pants or a building The other day while I am backing the van out of the garage, she calls out in her deep voice, "Goodbye, Rachel!" and then replies, "Goodbye, garage!" The garage then said, "Rachel, when you get back, will you play checkers with me?" Assuming an exasperated voice, she says, "All right, garage, I'll play checkers with you." She then shakes her head and shrugs as if to say, "What can you do?" The garage quickly replied, "Great, Rachel! Come home soon!" This whole thing cracked her up big time. She's her own best audience.

The other personality trait that comes to mind when I think of Rachel is one that often infuriates me. She is stubborn. I mean, absolutely 100% will not change her mind once she's decided something. Now here's the thing. I actually think this can be a good thing as she gets older. There are times that perseverance is extremely important. Rachel has an iron will for a four year old. This will serve her well when she gets older. My job (and Sharon's) is to teach her in which situations that iron will is needed and in which it is not. And that's where it gets infuriating from time to time.

There are many other wonderful things about Rachel. Just tonight out of the blue, she comes to me and says, "Daddy, I love you. You're the best daddy ever." She's an extremely sweet child. She's also very smart and so far appears pretty athletic, which neither Sharon nor I expected her to be. But when I think of what makes Rachel Rachel, I think of that iron will and that creative performer that she lets loose every day.


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