If you're not watching Battlestar Galactica...
...you're missing one of the best shows on television.
The season finale was blow you away amazing. Spoilers ahead. Stop reading if you don't want to know.
What makes Battlestar Galactica so great?
1) Starbuck. Tough pilot who's carrying around a lot of guilt because she gave the okay for her lover to fly even though he wasn't ready. He died. She's also the best pilot in the fleet, a hero, and has a strong spiritual side. In short, she's an extremely interesting, well developed character.
Apollo and Starbuck
2) Every other character in the show. They're all well developed. Apollo is torn between loyalty to his father and his strong belief in democratic ideals. The President, who was the Secretary of Education before the Cylons killed every other member of the government, is dying of cancer and struggling to keep Adama's military in line as well as dealing with the religious visions she can't explain. Boomer is a Clyon but was programmed to think she is a human. Even the minor characters like the President's aide and the communications officer on the bridge. I don't remember their names, but I understand their personalities and can predict how they'll act in different situations.
3) The Cylons. They made the Cylons a fascinating race. They are machines created by humans who rebelled against their masters and are now trying to annihilate their oppressors. Plus, they've evolved to the point where they can appear human. And we're getting hints that they've reached the point where some can experience feelings, even love, based on the story of Helo and Boomer 2 who are stranded on the surface of Caprica. I would not at all be surprised to eventually see "good" Cylons who end up working together with the humans.
4) The writing. It's believable. Oftentimes with science fiction shows, you have people spouting overly dramatic or otherwise ridiculous dialogue. Not the case with Battlestar at all.
5) The religious themes. What's most interesting to me is that the Cylons (the evil machines trying to exterminate the humans) are the ones who follow a monotheistic religion not unlike Christianity and the other major religions of the world. The humans follow a polytheistic religion that is based on the ancient Greek pantheon, i.e. Apollo, Athena, etc. Watching Baltar, who in this version inadvertantly betrayed the human race, slowly succumb to the religious fervor of the Cylons has been fascinating. On the human side of things, you have militaristic unbeliever Adama vs. the President, who has having relgious visions.
6) The politics. Keeping with the world headlines, we have a terrorist (or freedom fighter depending on your point of view), smartly played by Richard Hatch of the original series, who has much support and is eyeing the presidency. The situation reminds me a lot of the IRA/Sinn Féin mess is Ireland. This storyline should really start moving in season two.
7) The cliffhanger. Friday night we saw Boomer, the unwilling Cylon, pull out a gun and shoot Adama three times at point blank range. Didn't see it coming but it makes perfect sense. Boomer's been fighting her Cylon side all season and now we see she lost the battle. Will Adama die? In most shows, I'd say no way would they kill off their lead character and the biggest name of the cast (Edward James Olmos). But with Battlestar Galactica... who knows?
8) The details. The show looks real. The military ships are dark. The civilian ships are lighter. The reason we have people called Apollo and Starbuck is because those are pilot callsigns, not their real names, which are Lee Adama and Kara Thrace, respectively. Overall, the show is beautifully shot, with lots of location shooting. It's just a well put together show from top to bottom.
If you haven't seen an episode yet, that's okay. The series premier is going to be on Friday night at 9 pm CST. Watch the whole first season in order. You won't regret it. The next season starts in July, I believe.
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