Sunday, May 01, 2005

I hope the North Koreans love their children too

There is a lot of talk in the news right now that North Korea could potentially attack the United States with a nuclear warhead. Certainly they could hit Hawaii and Alaska and probably the West Coast as well. This is, to me, scarier than anything we faced during the part of the Cold War that I remember, i.e. the 80s. At that time, we had a president who was committed to bringing peace, who knew how to reach out to the leaders of other countries. Reagan, for all his other faults, was instrumental in ending the Cold War because he was able to reach Mikhael Gorbachev as a man, not as the enemy. Contrast that with our current president who has adopted a policy of pre-emptive strike, who has goaded terrorists with inflamatory comments like "Bring it on!", and who just a few days ago referred to Kim Jong Il as a "tyrant". I don't deny that the man is a tyrant, but there is a huge difference between me saying that and the President of the United States saying that. North Korea has made it clear that there will be no talks so long as Bush is the president. Great. Way to work those diplomatic channels, Mr. President. Not that diplomacy is what this president believes in. I hope we don't all pay an even higher price than we already have because Bush doesn't know how to talk to people.

Let's talk about the policy of pre-emptive strike for a minute. Talk about a slippery slope. What's to stop North Korea from deciding we are an imminent threat to them and attacking us first? And by our own policy, we'd be hypocrites to denounce them. When war is not the last resort, the descent into anarchy begins.

And frankly, I am little scared.


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