Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Go away, Cedric

Cedric Benson, the Bears first round pick in the 2005 draft, has still not signed a contract. I posted about this a few weeks back and implored Cedric to get into camp. (Because I am sure this blog is on his daily reads...ahem...what?)

Well, today I have a new message for Cedric.

Go away. Go back to Disneyland.

We don't need you and we don't want you. We have a top defense and a good running back in Thomas Jones. You're a selfish player who doesn't give a damn about your team or the fans. I applaud Jerry Angelo's decision to give a final offer and then lower it if you don't sign.

And it's not like having Benson on the team is going to fix the quarterback problem. (Please, Lovie, put Orton in! Let Hutch hook up with Starsky and go after the bad guys.)


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