Prostrate Programming, etc.
A week or so ago, someone put a handwritten xeroxed ... manifesto, I guess, in the handle of my front door. I've been meaning to blog about it. It's called ,"Prostrate Programming and the Antichrist's Dream for American Youth". (Not, "yout", I note.) It reads better if you read it out loud as if you were delivering a speech. What's especially impressive about the whole thing is that it's signed. Brian Sargent is the writer and with a quick Google search, I found out that Mr. Sargent is a pastor of the Open Air Baptist Church, which meets, humorously enough, inside the Robert A. Lee Recreation Center. I also managed to find a picture of him.

Sorry, Brian, but when you leave unsolicited crap in my doorhandle, I'm going to investigate and post stuff on my blog.
Just for the hell of it, here's a quote:
Robotic sentence structuring, indoctrination for the incarnate manifestation, answers and actions predetermined in accordance with state dictates, dictates of the state. (ed. note: can't you imagine someone saying that from the pulpit. doesn't work as well when read.) Well oiled robotic knees and the Antichrist's dream for the American youth.
It goes on in this vein for a handwritten page and a half. What I am trying to figure out is what is the purpose of putting this in my doorhandle. Does he expect that I am going to read this crap and say, "Wow, I ought to be a better person!"? Is it just an ego boost for him? Or is he hoping I'll hunt him down, hand him an A-bomb and say "My life for you." (Ten points to the first person who knows that
I can understand putting one's ideas out there. As a writer, actor, and producer, I do that all the time. I guess what I dislike is the way in which he is distributing his ideas. People should have the freedom to choose whether they want to receive the ideas. Sure, I could throw it away, but I shouldn't have to. If I choose to read a book or see a play, that's means I've decided to experience that message. If someone showed up on my lawn and starting performing a play, I'd... well, okay I'd watch because of the sheer novelty of it. But still, the point is we ought to be able to choose.
To sum up, stop leaving crap in my doorhandle.
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