Sunday, January 29, 2006

In a flash

Ever notice how you can find inspiration or at least an understanding of yourself in the most unlikely of places?

For instance, I was driving home from Cedar Rapids on Saturday listening to 80s songs on the radio. The theme from Flashdance started playing and, I admit, I was singing along. The chorus goes like this:

What a feeling, bein's believin'
I can't have it all, now I'm dancin' for my life
Take your passion, and make it happen
Pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life

I am not a dancer. Sure, I can move a little bit, but I make no claim to a superior sense of rhythm. So it's not the dancing part that moved me. It was this line:

Take your passion, and make it happen

When I think about my life, that sort sums me up. I figure out what I am passionate about - family, theater, etc. - and then I make it happen as best I can.

It's weird how self awareness can appear in the middle of a cheesy 80s song about a steelworker turned dancer.


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