Friday, April 14, 2006

Tornado in Iowa City

A tornado whipped through downtown Iowa City last night causing much destruction. We're okay as it didn't come near us at all. The girls and I spent the night in the basement watching the green and red blobs move across the TV.

I drove through part of downtown today and it's really a mess. Lots of cars smashed, trees down all over the place. A Dairy Queen was destroyed. The roof blew off Menards and hit the nearby Walmart. Car dealerships were really hit hard too. I drove by one and it was devastated. Cars destroyed, trees down, just amazing amounts of damage. St. Patricks Church lost its roof. One of the really nice parks in downtown Iowa City had a lot of downed trees. They're working hard to get them removed now. That park will look very different when they're done. The power is still out in downtown Iowa City. National Guard troops are directing traffic.

Here's a picture of St. Patrick's Church.

Wow, we're the lead story on


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