Thursday, October 14, 2004

Hip parent?

Over on the right there in my links sections, there's one labeled "A SAHD blog I enjoy". This post is one of the reasons why.

This is my favorite part:

"...we need our children to be intelligent, not 'savvy'; independent, not 'sophisticated'; happy and caring and giving, not - most of all - 'edgy' (with, I might point out, its implication of double-edged swords).

Children are not supposed to be edgy any more than they are supposed to be jaded."

Raising kids is a difficult job. You're never really sure if you're making the right call. And you only get one chance really and then the moment is gone. I feel like I'm playing catchup all the time. But this much I know is true. Kids got to be kids. And they get to define what that means.


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