Thursday, November 04, 2004

It didn't even last 24 hours

It's nice to see all those nice words about uniting the country and bringing everyone together were real heartfelt.

I earned capital in the campaign — political capital — and now I intend to spend it.
--George W. Bush

So let me get this straight. 48% of the voting population didn't want him as President and he considers that a mandate to do everything his way? All of you Republicans out there who are talking about us working together might want to send an email George's way.


At 11:12 PM, November 06, 2004, Blogger Lugosi said...

I was watching one of the talking heads shows on CNN and one of the commentators pointed out that Bush's 3% margin was the SMALLEST margin for a President's re-election since Woodrow Wilson in 1916 (Not counting Truman, since he was really only elected as President once.
And as to the much ballyhooed fact that Bush received the highest number of (popular) votes for President in American history: That's true, but it's also true that Kerry received the SECOND highest number of popular votes in American history.
Apparently the definition of the word "mandate" has loosened up recently.


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