Monday, April 04, 2005

Another one of those test thingees

I found this at a friend's LiveJournal.

Your brain:
50% interpersonal
15% visual
30% verbal
5% mathematical!

Congratulations on being 100% smart! The above score breaks down what kind of thinking you most enjoy doing. It says nothing about how good you are at any one, just how interested you are in each, relatively. A substantial difference in scores between two people means, conclusively, that they are different kinds of thinkers.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 99% on interpersonal

You scored higher than 6% on visual

You scored higher than 73% on verbal

You scored higher than 1% on mathematical
The 4-Variable IQ Test written by chriscoyne.


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