Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Sharon, Dreamwell Goddess

My picture of the week is from Dreamwell's production of Desdemona, a Play about a Handkerchief. Sharon played Bianca, a "lady of the evening" who educates Desdemona. It was a great show with excellent performances by all three women. I think a lot of our friends these days don't often remember that Sharon is a great actress and crucial to Dreamwell's success. Or they've jumped aboard the Dreamwell ship sometime in the past four years and weren't around for her contributions. The focus always seems to be on me and what I'm doing with the theatre, and people forget about Sharon and all she's done. Sharon has served as Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of Dreamwell's theater board. At one point, the board consisted of only Sharon and me. She was known in board meetings for being a voice of common sense, something every theater needs. Sharon directed our very first play - Of Mice and Men. She acted in Love Letters, Barefoot in the Park, Intellectual Orgasms, and the aforementioned Desdemona as well as shows at the Iowa City Community Theatre. She is still my main sounding board and I run every idea I have by her.

Once Sami get a little bigger, Sharon is going to audition for shows again. I look forward to seeing her return to the stage. Maybe we'll even have the chance to act together again someday. I suppose that'll have to wait until the kids are much older.


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