More Rock Star INXS
What a great show tonight. I am constantly amazed at how talented all seven of the remaining contestants are. I don't think I'll ever be able to get into American Idol again. Not one of the contestants from that show is good enough to carry the amps of these Rockers.
Tonight's show was a little different as two rockers got to perform original songs. Deanna's song was gripping both lyrically and musically. Of course, she had a lot of help from Ty, who is probably one of the most gifted musicians on the show. MiG's original song seemed a little boring to me. He had a good performance, but the song was unremarkable. INXS noted that the song didn't fit their band very well. I wish JD had performed an original song. He's clearly got the chops to pull it off.
Jordis had the worst performance of the night and her personal worst performance of the entire show. She massacred Aerosmith's Dream On. I mean, it was just painful to listen to. I have never been a fan and I am hoping this will send her to the bottom three this week.
Suzie, in a sharp contrast to Jordis, performed the Stones' Start Me Up and she kicked it. She's got a great rocking voice and tonight she brought the performance up a notch by including her fellow rockers and the audience with a dive into the crowd at the end.
I am figuring Jordis, Deanna, and Ty in the bottom three. Deanna is my pick to go home.

My thoughts on the remaining seven:

Suzie is good, but she's outclassed by almost everyone else. There's nothing about her that's unique. Nothing puts her above the rest. I like watching her perform, but I wouldn't seek her out. She has no chance of winning.

Jordis has a great voice, but she's too inexperienced for this gig. She'll crack under the pressure. And I really think INXS is better suited by having a man fronting them despite their claims to being open to a woman in the role. However, INXS has been heaping praise upon her for weeks. They clearly like her best of the women. If they pick a woman, it will almost certainly be Jordis.

Ty is far and away the best singer. His voice is powerful, full of soul, and he has incredible control. Add to that an amazing stage presence and he's the total package. If he doesn't get a recording contract from this exposure, I'll be shocked. And I'd really love to see him as Judas or Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar. He'd bring down the house. However, I don't think he'll win because he'd overshadow INXS and they do not want that. Ty's got a shot, but he'd probably be better off on his own anyway.

JD is the savant. He's got the most music instinct. His original song was great and the arrangements he devises for the classic songs give them new life. His big problem is INXS might not see him as a team player. He tends to walk away and do his own thing when there are disagreements. INXS will want someone they can work with, not against. Still, I think JD has a decent chance.

Marty is the heavy metal dude. He's great at what he does and I loved his performance last week, but, well, he's scary up there. Sharon got shivers watching him tonight and not in a good way. We're talking axe murderer shivers. I don't think he's the right fit for INXS. Rock Star Nirvana maybe. Of course, if INXS wants to shake things up, I think Marty is a decent choice.

Deanna has the sexy, smoky voice. She also clearly has song writing talent, although there is some question about how much of the song was her work and how much was Ty's. I think she's a huge longshot, but she's got a better chance than Suzie does.
...and that brings us to the front runner in my mind: MiG. (I don't know why he spells his name with a capital "G".)

MiG is Australian. He's an excellent singer with a lot of control. He's got piano chops. And he's also extremely pliable. He'll do what INXS tells him without question. Mig is the safe choice, the easy choice, the one who fits the best with INXS.
Still, I could see them going with JD....
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