Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Killing us slowly

The only suprise about this report is how long it's taken to get out there. The Surgeon General has stated unequivocaly what we've all known for many, many years: secondhand smoke kills people.

"The debate is over. The science is clear. Secondhand smoke is not a mere annoyance but a serious health hazard," Carmona said.

Seperate smoking sections in restaurants do absolutely zero good. The only way to protect non-smokers from the health risks is to prohibit smoking in public places. All public places, including parks. The most important part of this report is the information about the effects on children:

But the surgeon general is especially concerned about young children who can't escape their parents' addiction in search of cleaner air: Just over one in five children is exposed to secondhand smoke at home, where workplace bans don't reach. Those children are at increased risk of SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome; lung infections such as pneumonia; ear infections; and more severe asthma.

I understand how difficult it is to quit smoking. I understand that smokers have a right to smoke if they want to. What they do not have a right to do is smoke in a public place where they are endangering the health of others. I suppose there's an argument that restaurant owners should be allowed to determine whether they can have smoking in their restaurants. But I don't agree. We're talking about public health. Just as restaurant owners are responsible for serving food that won't harm people and assuring that people do not drink so much alcohol they get poisoned, they should be responsible for providing at atmosphere that will not harm the public. Allowing smoking will harm the public.

So I strongly support a ban on smoking in all public places, both inside and out. That's right - no smoking in public places outside either. If you want to smoke, smoke in your house. Or better yet, quit.


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