Monday, June 26, 2006


This weekend I decided to fix the slow draining sink in our bathroom. Now, I am not Mr. Fix-It. Sharon's Fix-It uncle came over this weekend and replaced one of the posts that holds up the walkway from our backdoor to the garage. I asked him if his father had taught him all the fix-it knowledge he possesses. He said his grandpa had actually taught him. He was his grandpa's helper starting at around age eight. I wish I had had that opportunity. I've had to learn all of that stuff as an adult. I took a class on electrical wiring and I am probably going to take a plumbing class in the fall (free since I'm a Kirkwood employee!). But my slow sink couldn't wait so I tackled it yesterday. It was pretty disgusting as a lot of muck had accumulated. But I got it cleaned out and enjoyed a strong sense of accomplishment. I always feel good when I do pull off these home improvement challenges, probably because I really don't know what the heck I'm doing. My biggest home improvement challenge involves tearing out part of the bathroom wall, fixing the shower head and pipe, and then re-drywalling. I may need to call in brother help on that one.


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