Thursday, October 14, 2004

Survivor spoilers... wrong!

I don't know if all of you know this or not, but every week the Spoilers of various internet sites work hard to figure out the boot. They do this by analyzing the vidcaps and the storylines and talking to people who know inside information. Generally speaking, ever since Survivor: Australia (season 2), you could find out who would be booted by going to the right spoiler site. Every once in a while, I mean like once a season, every spoiling website is wrong. Dead wrong. They just totally miss it.

And that's what happened tonight.

And I love it.

Not that I wish any spoiling sites ill. I belong to a number of them. It's just that for the past how many years, we've always been right. (And when I say "we" I mean the spoiling community.) It's gotten boring. The fun is in not knowing for sure.

Tonight was fun.


At 9:34 AM, October 15, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

Maria, would you believe there are already people out there trying to spoil the spoilers? They try to figure out how they get their information or if the people who have sources provide clues instead of being straightforward, the spoilers will try to figure out what they're talking about. The spoiling world is a very interesting place...

At 1:17 PM, October 15, 2004, Blogger Shaba said...

What is this spoiling of which you speak? Then again, what is this Survivor of which you speak?

I don't suppose I could borrow your tape again at some point?

Pretty please?

*bats eyeslashes*

At 2:02 PM, October 15, 2004, Blogger Matt said...

Sure you can. No problemo.

At 2:23 PM, October 15, 2004, Blogger Shaba said...

¿Hoy? ¿Las cinco de la tarde?

(And let me just add that it's quite ... I'm not sure of the right word, having this convo on your blog).


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Location: Coralville, IA
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