Thursday, August 25, 2005

Brief Kid Interlude

First, there's Rachel, my four-year-old. Yesterday, I saw she was sitting on all of her baby dolls and she said something like, "I gotta sit on my eggs!" I said to her, "So Rachel, you're a bird today?"

"No, Dad. I'm a crocodile!"

That's my girl - never go with the obvious answer.

And something interesting I've noticed about Samantha, who's 19 months. I think she's a little less touchy feely than Rachel is. For example, she does not like to sit on my lap for stories. She'll insist on sitting next to me on the couch as I read to her. This is disappointing to me as I'd rather get a little baby snuggle while reading stories. But what can you do? Even 19-month olds have a right to personal space.


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