Some TV thoughts
First of all, the Amazing Race wasn't too bad in terms of exploiting children. At least so far. I did feel awful for the Black family kids who were just so depressed when they were eliminated first. But their parents seem to have it together and made it a good experience for them. That was good to see. And I loved the other family with small kids - the Gaghans. I am rooting for them. Based on the way they acted in this episode, I think if mom and dad had to choose between the million dollars and not messing with their kids' heads, they'd make the right choice/ Here's a picture of the youngest Racer - Carissa.

I also watched Commander in Chief, which is on opposite Amazing Race. Great show. The basic premise is the first female Vice President (who happens to be an Independent and was chosen to get the women's vote) becomes President when her predecessor dies unexpectedly. Her teenage daughter is an avowed Republican and agrees with the rest of the former President's inner circle who push the VP to resign. Geena Davis is extremely presidential and Donald Sutherland is excellent as the arch conservative who plans to dog every move she makes. The finest scene in the show was when Sutherland bellows that because she doesn't want the power that comes with the presidency, she isn't fit to be President. There was ugly truth in his words and it summed up the reason that I have been unhappy with every president elected in my lifetime. The fact that desire for power is a necessary ingredient taints the job.
I think it has a lot of potential especially if President Mackenzie Allen doesn't just turn into a liberal mouthpiece. Let's see her actually being independent - choosing what makes sense to her character, not following the tired dogma of either party. Enh, I am probably setting the bar way to high for this show. Still, I'll be watching it next week.
Battlestar Galactica ended with an excellent cliffhanger. I can't wait til January. It was great to see Michelle Forbes show up as the cold, cutthroat Admiral Cain commanding the Battlestar Pegasus. In the original series, the Galactica came across Commander Cain and the Pegasus and he wasn't such a nice guy either.
I did enjoy the premiere of Lost more than I thought I would and I am interested in checking out tonight's episode. It's still appointment television, but I am not that into it this season. I still can't say why exactly.
Survivor is great this season and there are very few spoilers making this season the most unpredictable in a long time. I am having fun at my Survivor Blog.