I was unimpressed with Kerry. He said a few things that sounded good, but overall, I am afraid this debate will help Bush.
Luminous beings are we. Not this crude matter.
You may have heard that they're building a rainforest in Iowa. It made national news a month or two ago. I just want to say for the record that there are a lot of Iowans who are terribly embarrassed by this insane project and wish it would just go away.
Whoops! Captain Kirk pulled a prank on the residents of Riverside, Iowa. So there's no movie but they all get to be on TV. Hmm. I am torn. I think it's kind of mean to screw with those poor Riversidians. But at the same time, this is what reality TV is all about. And I admit, I am a fan of it. Sorry all of you high minded intellectual *coughsnobscough*. Anyway, Riverside did get 100 grand. And everyone who was in it got paid. I think what makes me feel bad about the whole thing is the fact that Riverside has been trying to get Shatner to come to their Trekfest for, what, twenty years? And he's blown them off again and again. (Note to the non-trekkies: Riverside, Iowa is the future birthplace of the fictional Captain Kirk.) So he finally shows up in town and then proceeds to mess with their heads.
I have no earth shattering spoilers today. It's all over the internet who is getting booted tonight. Way back when I predicted one of the two (yes, two - didn't you see the previews?) bootees would go far and the other would go pre-merge. Well, I was half right. I am glad crazy hunter guy is out of there.
I've been in online communities for about three and a half years now. All that time, I have gone by the psuedonym Corvis. It started with Survivor spoiling communities. I've belonged to a few different ones. I still do, in fact. So the name Corvis means something in those communities because that's who I was. I used to be very protective of my real identity online. I was worried about crazy cyber stalker people. There was a time early on in the Survivor spoiling game when that wasn't such a strange fear. But these days... enh. If people want to find me or my family, it's not hard at all. I think having a fake name on these boards immediately separates us from each other. After awhile, we share real first names, but why make people work so hard to get there? If we met in the Java House, would we offer fake names? No. I'd say, "Hi, my name is Matt. Nicetameetcha."
Yesterday was my 8th wedding anniversary. Sharon took off work and went to preschool with Rachel. I stayed home and played with Sami. It was great to get some one on one time with her. She's getting so big. She can crawl perfectly now and is faster than lightning. We have the gate up for the top of the stairs. Sami loves to chase the dog, who is very good about just getting out of her way. She also loves Rachel's baby dolls. I think we're going to have to get Sami one of her own soon. Rachel does not like sharing her dolls. Sharing is a difficult concept for a three year old. We're working on it, though. And preschool is helping with that, too.
It's been a little while, but I am back now.
Today we're heading to the park if the weather is nice. Rachel needs some fresh air and so do I for that matter. We have a great park pretty close to our house. There's always lots of kids there for Rachel to play with. Her favorite thing to do is play in the sandbox. I think. Maybe it's slide down the slide. Or the monkey bars (with help).
The most recent Survivor press release, which can be found at that excellent site Survivor Fever contains this sentence:
The first weekend of Glengarry is over. And it was great. Here's another picture:
Glengarry Glen Ross opens tonight. If you're in the Iowa City area, check it out. Tickets are only $10 and less for students and seniors. I am feeling good. We had a great rehearsal last night. Here's some pictures from the show:
I keep getting the worst cards. I am slowly losing all of my cyber cash because I keep getting dealt fours of hearts and sixes of spades. Gimme a couple of face cards and let's do this thing. Partypoker.com in case you are wondering.
Now let's make a list of the shows I've directed. It's a much shorter list, although, ironically enough, I think I'm a better director than I am an actor. I get more enjoyment from acting, however. Anyway...
Rehearsal sucked tonight. At least I did. I had so many other things on my mind - the publicity photos, the box office crap, the annoyingly loud people upstairs... I just wasn't focused on acting. And one of my fellow actors forgot a line and got us into a tough spot in our first scene. Fortunately, I've been in enough shows to know that a bad rehearsal during tech week is mandatory for a good opening night. So I am still feeling good. We're going to be great on Friday and I cannot wait.
As I've mentioned, I'm playing Williamson in Dreamwell Theatre's production of Glengarry Glen Ross. It's a great part and I am enjoying being the asshole. Last night we had our first dress rehearsal and for the first time, I felt like I was hitting it. The last scene, the climax of the play, is my favorite moment of the play. I show just how much of a bastard I can be.
The women win the first immunity challenge according to the spoilers at Survivor Sucks. I knew that which is why I picked John Kenney to get the boot first.
Rachel started preschool yesterday. It's only two days a week for 2 1/2 hours a day. She really liked it. Had lots of fun. Driving away, I was a little sad. No longer are Sharon and I the only major influences on Rachel's life. She'll be exposed to other kids and the teachers. Now, I realize this is a necessity. I do. It's just that... I don't know. I don't get to share in those preschool moments. These are experiences she's having on her own. Which is good, but I still feel a little sadness inside. I am really proud of her. She had no problem jumping right in and playing with the other kids. She told me how each of the kids shared their Teddy Bears with everyone else. She told me that she said, "This is my teddy bear. I always sleep with him at night and play with him during the day." No fear of speaking in front of crowds for my little girl. Not that I am surprised by this.
Okay, I am going to be very clear in this blog when I predicting something based on spec and when I actually have a bit of a spoiler. The following is speculation. Now it is informed speculation, of course. I have been paying attention.
Here's two badly capped images of the Eliza - Ami - Dolly conversation where they blow off her idea of voting out whomever messes up in the challenge.
I received an email asking me if I was sure about my Survivor spoilers. I know that everything I posted was in the first 3 days of filming (with two exceptions, see below). Maybe first 6 days, but I'm guessing just the first 3. I assume we'll see it in the first episode, although I don't claim to have seen that all edited together. Do I have some inside source? Nope. At least 122 other people have this same information. It's out there - you just need to know where to look. I admit I made some assumptions based on what I saw and so I may have made a mistake or two.