I am leaving for my Appalachian Trail hike shortly. I won't be blogging until I get back unless at one of the off trail nights there happens to be internet access. If I find a way into the cyber world, I'll let you know what's happening.
Luminous beings are we. Not this crude matter.
I am leaving for my Appalachian Trail hike shortly. I won't be blogging until I get back unless at one of the off trail nights there happens to be internet access. If I find a way into the cyber world, I'll let you know what's happening.
The second Ask Matt question is:
Please consider donating to a fund to be used to find Latoyia Figueroa, a 24-year-old pregnant mother of one who has been missing since July 18. Here's a picture of Latoyia:
Rock Star INXS was full of bad performances last night.
Okay, this annoys the hell out of me. A reality show from NBC called Meet Mister Mom premieres on August 2. I know NBC is desperate since they fell to fourth in the ratings, but talk about a show that is 20 years too late. It was kind of funny when Michael Keaton did it in the 80s, but these days Dads find it offensive to be called a "Mr. Mom". We're Dads and we're perfectly capable of handling ourselves in the home. We're the rule. That Mr. Mom stereotype that's going to exploited on this brain drain of a television show is the exception to the rule. Dads have come a long way, baby. I'm sending an email.
I found this photoblog while looking for Iowa bloggers. There are some really beautiful shots at Emillerphoto. Check it out.
On Saturday, I hiked for around 3 or 4 hours (seemed longer, but Sharon insists it was only three hours). It was scorchingly hot. Since I knew I had more time than my usual midweek hikes, I decided to take a different trail in addition to what I normally do. This was a smart move. I found a little cove with a sandy beach area that was completely deserted. I decided that after my hike was over, I'd return to this place and enjoy a swim.
I found this interesting. And it is right about my sense of humor.
the Wit |
CLEAN | COMPLEX | DARK You like things edgy, subtle, and smart. I guess that means you're probably an intellectual, but don't take that to mean you're pretentious. You realize 'dumb' can be witty--after all isn't that 'the Simpsons' philosophy?--but rudeness for its own sake, 'gross-out' humor and most other things found in a fraternity leave you totally flat. I guess you just have a more cerebral approach than most. You have the perfect mindset for a joke writer or staff writer. Your sense of humor takes the most effort to appreciate, but it's also the best, in my opinion. Also, you probably loved the Office. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check it out here: PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Jon Stewart - Woody Allen - Ricky Gervais |
![]() |
I have no idea how this happened. To put it mildly, Sharon is no jock. I, well, have some small skill in a few things here and there. But no one in their right mind would ever, ever call me a jock.
Last night, I hiked for about an hour in my regular stomping grounds. It was so damn hot my shirt was drenched with sweat when I returned. I had to stop Rachel from hugging me when I came in the door lest she be covered with Daddy sweat. I noticed after the hike that I am starting to get a blister on my left heel. Fortunately, this morning it appears to have already almost disappeared. With the rain today, I wasn't planning on training anyway, and that'll give me time for it to heal fully. Saturday I hope to spend an extended time hiking to give me a better feel of what I'll be doing on the AT.
Found this on a friend's Livejournal. And I was a little bored.
James Doohan, Star Trek's Scotty, has passed away. *sigh*
I've been meaning to write about this show since it premiered last week. I am really enjoying it. I admit that I don't care who ends up the lead singer for INXS. It's just a lot of fun to watch a rock show every week with lots of different performers singing songs that I love. On American Idol, I often had no idea what song I was hearing. For this show, there's been one or two songs over two weeks that I didn't recognize. I guess I just like rock music more than pop. No real surprise there.
I don't have much to say about hiking in general today. Maybe I'll edit something in later. Yesterday, I hiked for a few hours and once again went up and down the hill to try to prepare my legs for the Appalachian Trail hike which is now less than two weeks away. Ack. I won't be able to hike today, so I'll have to be sure to do it tomorrow. I plan to hike for more than a couple hours on Saturday, too. During the week, I have to wait until Sharon gets home at 6:40 and that only leaves me a little more than 2 hours for hiking before it starts to get dark. I suppose I could get one of those headlight things. Nah.
Harry Pottter and the Half Blood Prince is, of course, a huge success. But after reading this news story, this statistic kind of blew me away:
Okay, there's this supposedly really clever way of "talking" on message boards and in blogs. It goes like this:
The first Ask Matt question is this:
One made me laugh. The other made me cry "Bah!"
In a Past Life... |
![]() You Were: An Arrogant Belly Dancer. Where You Lived: Israel. How You Died: Consumption. |
![]() Your Summer Anthem is Speed of Sound by Coldplay All that noise, and all that sound, All those places I got found. And birds go flying at the speed of sound, to show you how it all began. You're out of your mind this summer, in a good way. |
The Keys to Your Heart |
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. |
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic. |
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. |
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. |
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. |
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. |
Drama series
I was checking my site meter logs and discovered that someone had found his way here via this site. My little blog is considered an Iowa Politics blog. Heh. My cursory attempts to examine political issues is like a swimmer sticking his big toe in the ocean. I am in good company though as many of the people on this list actually dive into the water and start swimming. Here's the list of blogs on the site:
We're starting something new here at Oasis Amidst the Corn: Ask Matt. That's right. If you have a question that you need an answer to, you can Ask Matt and Matt will provide an answer.
After I finish recounting yesterday's training, I'll share one of my hiking secrets. It's exciting! Heh.
I am training for an Appalachian Trail hike. For more information, go here.
A number of years ago, in the place where the tall corn grows, a very tiny blond girl was born. No bigger than a nightcrawler is what I've heard. Fortunately, she grew up and eventually made her way to the University of Iowa where I had the good fortune to meet her. Twelve years and two kids later, she's still the strongest person I know. Happy Birthday to my wonderful wife. May we celebrate many, many, many more birthdays together.
Have you heard about this guy walking across the US to lose weight?
Looks like Bush's administration is connected to the leak of the name of a CIA agent to the press despite two years of denials. And the connection is none other than top Bush political analyst Karl Rove, who told a reporter Valerie Plame worked at the CIA. This is the same Valerie Plame who is married to Joseph C. Wilson IV, a former ambassador and the guy who publicly called out the Bush administraton about the fact that they lied to the American people about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. It has long been suspected that Plame was outed as a CIA operative in retaliation for her husband's remarks. Rove is the first direct link to the adminstration. Did they do it? Well, with the Bush administration's track record of lies and obfuscation, it's certainly not hard to believe. Plus, if Rove's comment was an innocent mistake, why did he lie about it under oath, saying he only talked about Plame after she'd been outed?
When a laugh is needed, the young often provide. What follows is a short play with a cast of three, one of which is a non-speaking role.
I am trying to figure out what I could write about this that might be interesting to read. I haven't really come up with anything.
I think six posts in one day is probably a record for me. I found this funny Star Wars spoof through Red Bird Rising, a site I found through Does This Look Infected?. It's been around for a while so you've probably all seen it by now but just in case....
Random Mentality linked to Mr. Lance Salyers who was fired from his job as a prosecutor for this post where he says this about someone in his office:
According to this news story, the Meskwaki tribe in Iowa is fighting to prevent a mother from allowing her child to be adopted by a white couple from Indiana. I can't believe this tribe has the authority to tell a mother whether or not she can put her child up for adoption.
This looks like a great event! Four weekends of movies on the Pentacrest. They're showing the Wizard of Oz, Toy Story, ET, and the Sandlot. You gotta like that.
Well, I don't know for certain. However this news story tells us there was an upsurge in bets on one particular character from the area in England where the book is being published. I won't say which character in this post, but if you want to know, click here.
There are a bunch of blogs I regularly check out that didn't fit in my Iowa Blogs category. I've been meaning to add them to my links forever and today I finally did. They are:
In the old days, there was no new TV during the summer. It was a wasteland of reruns. Nowadays, there is lots of new stuff to check out.
"I have baby slobber on me," four-year-old Rachel told me in a very put out voice.
I haven't really written about football much (if at all) in my blog. I am huge Bears fan and have been since I was 14 and the Bears were in the Super Bowl. Since then, I have stayed a true fan despite their lack of success. Anyway, today I read a story which puts forth the theory that I have long held: Brett Favre of the Green Bay Packers isn't that great.
We had a nice Fourth of July weekend. Our friends Matt and Deidre came over for dinner on Saturday. We even got the kids to bed and were able to hang out with the friends sans children. Ah, that was nice. Sunday was a good family day. On the Fourth, Rachel and I were in a parade. She waved and threw candy to the children lining the parade route. It was raining, so Soup and Sharon stayed home. We had a lot of fun and even saw one of Rachel's friends from preschool along the parade route. I think her friend was just amazed to see Rachel in the parade - she had the widest eyes I've ever seen on a four year old. Rachel was similarly thrilled to see her friend. That night, we went to the Coralville fireworks, but the kids were tired and we left after a really unimpressive show. They might have gotten better after we had gone. When we got home, we turned on the TV in time to see the finale of Cedar Rapids' fireworks. That was impressive.
Partly prompted by the events described in this post, I recently read an excellent book about the election of 1800, when Thomas Jefferson defeated John Adams, Aaron Burr, and C.C. Pinckney. (At that time, each party put forth two candidates, one of which was thought of as the presidential candidate and the other was thought of as the vice presidential candidate. However, any of the four could have been voted in as president.) This election is considered a turning point in American History. It was the first time we proved that our newly created democracy could result in a peaceful turnover of power from one political group to another. Adams was of the same political party (Federalist) as Washington when he became the second president. Jefferson, on the other hand, was a Republican, and they were despised by the Federalists. (The feeling was mutual, of course.) Adams was soundly defeated, but Jefferson and Burr both received 73 electoral votes. This sent the matter to the Federalist controlled House of Representatives, who could have destroyed the Republican plan and chosen Burr, who was supposed to be Jefferson's vice president. 36 votes were taken before a deal was made and Jefferson became the third president. During the course of those 36 votes, there was talk by both sides of using force. Had that happened, a very different precedent would have been set, and the history of the United States would have been very different. Fortunately, the politicians of the day worked out a deal that prevented the destruction of our new democracy. What was somewhat of a radical idea at the time has become the norm in our lives and we're better off for it.
Melissa from Bit by the Blogging Bug chose me for this, so here goes...
Well, I had heard the rumblings. They said she'd leave before Rehnquist even, who'll probably only leave in a hearse. Sandra Day O'Connor, the first female Supreme Court Justice, has resigned. While I don't want President Bush to appoint a new justice, I admit to being somewhat torn because on one issue, I am confident Bush's appointment will agree with my views. That is abortion. Still, overall, it'd probably have been better for the country if O'Connor had waited four years.